Project New Me: Week #11 or Banned From Exercise #newme

Weight: 190 lbs (down 2 pounds)

Average Hours of Sleep: 6.5 hours

Total Workout Time: 0

Total Calories Burned: 0

This is the last week of my Project New Me before I allow myself a 1 1/2 week respite. You see, Passover is next week (starts the night of Monday, March 30th to be exact). During Passover, it is hard enough to figure out what to eat without worrying about points. So I’m going to forget about the points tracking for those days. Since Sunday and Monday will be hectic enough getting ready for Passover, I’m not going to bother with Points on those days either. This doesn’t mean that I’m going to eat a five doughnut breakfast on Sunday morning, of course. I’ll still try to be as healthy as I can be under the circumstances. I just won’t be formally tracking it.

For now, though, I’m positioned really well. I’m within 3 pounds of my goal weight. I’m also getting decent amounts of sleep during the week. Of course, my sleep average was helped by a big nap I took on Wednesday. You see, after my nose cauterization and my lack of sleep that night, I passed out in my bed while JSL and B went out shopping. (NHL was in school.) I woke up at 12:30 to my phone beeping that a picture message was received. I knew it had to be B sending me a photo (she’s the only one who picture messages me) so I went back to sleep. I next woke up to NHL running in the room with JSL. Looking at the clock, I saw it was 3pm. Yes, I had slept for 5 hours! (I also had completely skipped lunch, but that was ok because my body needed sleep more than food at that point.)

I know I’ve been lax on the exercise front. I don’t even remember the last time I worked out. However, with the nose cauterization, I now have a perfectly valid reason: Doctor’s Orders. I’m not to exercise, run, eat hot and/or spicy foods, or use any “in-nose” product (e.g. saline spray) for three weeks. Doing so could result in something bad happening. I’m a bit vague on what “bad thing” would happen, but if a doctor says “don’t do it” I’m not going to do it just to see what will happen.