Horrendous Hair Cutting Controversy

Recently, my wife and I have been having a disagreement.  JSL turned 18 months old last week and he has yet to have a hair cut.  I say that it is more than time for one.  His long locks love to snag in the snaps of his clothes and bibs.  JSL has also cultivated a cumpulsion to transform his hair into a culinary canvas with crackers, cream cheese, or whatever food he can come by.  B, on the other hand, wants to wait as long as possible before having his hair cut.  She’s still relishing the baby hair and doesn’t want to give it up.  B has consented to a trim, though.  So tomorrow we head to the salon to have Jacob’s hair cut for the very first time.

Here are some photos of JSL with his long hair.  What do you think?  Cut or no cut?  (The last two photos aren’t about his long locks.  They’re just cute photos of JSL that I thought I’d toss in the mix.)