WiiFit Workout Week 5

Beginning Weight:  209 (+3 pounds)

Monday December 29th – Week 5, Day 1
WiiFit Age 32

Rowing Squat (30 reps)
Single-Leg Twist (20 reps)
Standing Knee
Single-Leg Extension (20 reps)
Jackknife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Plank (60 seconds)
Lunge (20 reps)
Advanced Step
Super Hula Hoop (6 minutes)

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes

Tuesday December 30th – Week 5, Day 2
WiiFit Age 32

Single-Arm Stand (10 reps)
Sideways Leg Lift (10 reps)
Sun Salutation
Lunge (20 reps)
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Palm Tree
Jacknife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Deep Breathing
Advanced Step
Basic Run (Island Lap)
Ski Slalom

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes

Thursday January 1st – Week 5, Day 3
WiiFit Age 32

Torso Twists (6 reps)
Arm and Leg Lift (20 reps)
Plank (90 seconds)
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Palm Tree
Jackknife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Free Run (10 minutes)
Advanced Step
Soccer Heading

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes

Weekly thoughts: I attribute my weight gain to the holiday season.  Needless to say, I’m going to watch my weight more this week to make sure those pounds don’t take up permanent residence.  Oh, and about that 90 second Plank (on Thursday), I was feeling quite suicidal when I did that.  After 60 seconds, I was ready to drop, but didn’t.  With 15 seconds to go, my body was ready to give out.  It was only sheer willpower keeping me from falling.  I got a Couch Potato rating on that exercise, but I don’t mind.  I’m just proud that I lasted through it.  Now that I did it, however, I won’t be trying it again for quite some time.