WiiFit Workout Week 7

Beginning Weight: 205 (+1 pound)

Monday January 12th – Week 7, Day 1
WiiFit Age 37

Single-Arm Stand (6 reps)
Palm Tree
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Push-up and Side Plank (6 reps)
Downward-Facing Dog
Single-Leg Twist (20 reps)
Sideways Leg Lift (20 reps)
Sun Salutation
Lunge (20 reps)
Jackknife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Free Step (10 minutes)

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes

Wedesday January 14th – Week 7, Day 2
WiiFit Age 34

Basic Run (Island Lap)
Single-Arm Stand (6 reps)
Lunge (20 reps)
Free Step (10 minutes)
Arm and Leg Lift (20 reps)
Jackknife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Super Hula Hoop (3 minutes)

Total Workout Time: 47 minutes

Thursday January 15th – Week 7, Day 3
WiiFit Age 32

Rhythm Boxing (Beginner, 3 minutes)
Basic Step
Single-Leg Twist (20 reps)
Basic Run (Island Lap)
Sideways Leg Lift (20 reps)
Sun Salutation
Advanced Step
Standing Knee
Single Leg Extension (20 reps)
Arm and Leg Lift (20 reps)
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Palm Tree

Total Workout Time: 46 minutes

Comments: This week marked my first time using my (soon to be released) WiiFit Workout Generator. I got tired of sitting around between exercises trying to figure out which one to do next, so I worked up something that would make a random workout for me to follow. It wound up including some exercises that I wrote off as ineffective. For example, I did a 10 minute Free Step on Monday while watching Batman: The Brave and the Bold. I never would have considered Free Step and almost didn’t include it as an option for the Generator to use, but I’m glad I did. I hope to release the Generator this week.