This week in Tweets

  • is not in a good mood this morning. #
  • Only a few hours left for @mommasreviews cupcake giveaway: #
  • Verizon Wireless wants to sell your technical, billing & location info to 3rd parties. Call 800–333–9956 to opt out. #
  • Interesting. Reading something that states that incandescent bulbs are prohibited on Shabbat due to heating the filament until it gloes. #
  • Non-incandescent bulbs (e.g. florescent) aren’t prohibited because you aren’t heating a strip of metal. It’s not considered “creating fire.” #
  • RT @PopJudaica: I know it’s Purim, but the moment you’ve all been waiting for is here. The Passover products are in! #
  • Got one section of my Twitter App to run in under 80 seconds. Down from 4 minutes or more. #
  • Second part of my app takes about 3 seconds. If I can tie these parts together, I might be able to launch a beta tonight! 🙂 #
  • Apparently, ASP has a length limit on strings. So a string of more than 65,535 characters is chopped. Need to find a workaround. #
  • Not ASP string length limit, but a database problem. DB is returning truncated string instead of full string. This should be easier to fix. #
  • Got it fixed. mySQL’s Text field was too limited. Changed to LongText and it can now accommodate strings of up to 4 billion characters. #
  • DVRing Heroes. I usually do it anyway, but this time I’m DVRing it so I can watch Wozniak on #DancingWithTheStars. #
  • WOZNIAK! #
  • RT @wiifitgirl: British ban kissing at train station #
  • RT @HisBoysCanSwim: We did it! We’re able to pay all pregnancy and baby doctor bills… and we saved our house! #
  • I squished the last bug in my Twitter App last night & added a “save your report” feature. #
  • Going to type up a blog post about it later then will post the link to my new Twitter App (in beta.) #
  • Asked why it went down, got “my shift just started” answer. Uh, maybe you could go *ASK* someone? #
  • Bug in my Twitter App means I’ll need to delay release. I think. Or maybe bug was 1st signs of my site going down. #
  • In either case, I need to wait until the server comes back up before I can test it, fix the bug (if it exists), & release the beta. #
  • Arvixe can’t give reason why sites are down or an ETA on when they’ll return. Not good, Arvixe. If not back soon, I might move hosts (again) #
  • An hour and a half and my sites are still down. *GRRRRR* What’s going on Arvixe??!!! #
  • Contacted Arvixe support. They’ve escalated the problem with their data center. Gave me the server admin’s number. #
  • Server admin: it’s likely a hardware issue (data’s fine, server can’t connect to internet). He took my # to call me when sites are back up. #
  • Wonder why all of my Tweets say “via Tweet Search” instead of “via Twhirl” #
  • … and of course that tweet has to prove me wrong by saying “via Twhirl”! #
  • Sites are still down. Arvixe support admin responded to my post at giving more info. #
  • Feeling more generous about the downtime since I’ve learned more. Hardware issues happen. Their support’s been as good as can be expected. #
  • and are still down. This is going on 9 hours. #
  • TechyDad and TheAngelForever sites still down. Going on 20 hours now. Windows 2003 HD corruption to blame. Arvixe says data is safe. #
  • Arvixe said they hoped to get everything back “before the morning light.” They’re in CA, so this is in about 1hr. #
  • If sites aren’t back in 2 hours, I’ll ask for another status update. #
  • Yay! Sites are back up! Total downtime: 20 hours. #
  • RT @LanceUlanoff: Why Girl Scouts Can’t Sell Cookies Online <= A web site is less safe than knocking on strangers doors? #
  • Websites are back up, but my admin panel and FTP don’t seem to work. Time for another Arvixe support contact. #
  • Admin control panel is back up (came back as I was on with support rep of course). FTP is still down. #
  • Knitted Mythbusters dolls! #
  • Worked on my Twitter App last night. Got it working, but there’s one “minor” flaw. #
  • When dealing w/ a user following 1,000+ people, Windows goes low on Virtual Memory. Going to need to fix that. #
  • So much work… so little motivation. #
  • RT @BrettTrout: What chu talkin’ ’bout – Sears Tower to be renamed Willis Tower #
  • RT @LanceUlanoff: RT @nizzer: The World Wide Web Is 20 Years Old Today <= 1 more year & the World Wide Web can buy a drink. #
  • First day of spring is next week. This would be a fun way to celebrate: (Diet Coke &Mentos Geyser Tube) #
  • RT @mike_elgan: Will Twitter replace as the best place to find a job? <= 140 char resumes seems pretty short #

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