This week in Tweets

  • New Zealand Court papers can be served via Facebook <= Just another reason I’m glad I don’t have a Facebook account. #
  • RT @mike_elgan: Lenovo Pocket Yoga pics leaked. Wow! I love this form factor! It’s a netbook that fits in your pocket! #
  • Things like the Pocket Lenovo make me envy hardware reviewers. I wish vendors would send me items like this to review. (*hint* *hint*) #
  • Watching Cramer vs Stewart. (Yeah, I know. Late to the game.) Cramer’s getting seriously owned! #
  • RT @mike_elgan: “MacGyver” movie in the works. <= Will they film it using 2 rubberbands, a lightbulb, & some dental floss? #
  • Has an adult ever crossed the Adult-Parent line with your kid? If so, how did you handle it? #
  • Twitter API’s Friendship creation method: “Befriends the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.” #twitterapi #
  • So which user winds up befriending which user? If I’m the authed user and UserX is the one in the ID param, who gets friended? #twitterapi #
  • Ok, figured it out. If I’m the authenticated user & I run this against UserX, UserX gets added to my friends list & can DM me. #
  • I was hoping it’d work the other way, but can see why it wouldn’t. It’d be too easy for spammers to auto-friend themselves & spam people. #
  • Go WOZ!! #
  • Wow, WOZ can really move! #DancingWithTheStars #
  • WOZ = WALL-E???? lol #
  • Just checked my e-mail. Arvixe has not only issued me a refund for this month due to the downtime, but given me a 50% off coupon. #
  • The 50% off coupon gives half off for a new acct for as long as the new acct is active. Tempted to open a new account & cancel my old one. #
  • I can give the coupon to friends also. Anyone interested in half price hosting? #
  • Steven Page left Barenaked Ladies? When did this happen? #
  • RT @wiifitgirl: Exclusive EA SPORTS Active demo <= This looks so cool! Looks like it’d be a great workout. #
  • “Brain Decline” begins at age 27. <= I’m 33 & my brain isn’t… um.. what was I talking about? #
  • So tired. Just want to nap. Trying to be productive but my computer’s working against me again. (Randomly freezing for a min here & there.) #
  • Just copied my weigh ins from my notebook to my spreadsheet. Notebook pages get lost too easily. #
  • Started on 12/7 at 208lbs. Wanted to be 185 by Disney (5/9) – 23lbs in 22 weeks. Latest weigh in: 192.5lbs. Need to lose 7.5lbs in 7 weeks. #
  • Miscounted before. I have to lose 7.5 pounds in 8 weeks. However, 2 of those weeks involve Passover, a time when it is tough to lose weight. #
  • Rats. Cable box/DVR might be dying. We have the last eps of Pushing Daisies on it that we never watched! Might lose them. :-(#PushingDaisies #
  • I have this dream all the time. Anyone else? #
  • Buried in a ton of work, but 4:30 is almost here! #
  • Watching DVRed #Mythbusters Diet Coke and Mentos episode. When it is warmer, I want to do the Diet Coke/Mentos trick with my 5 year old! #
  • Apparently, Twitter limits the number of DMs per day. (Around 250.) Prob won’t hit it but I might still make my Twitter App e-mail only. #
  • Found out Zazzle lets you make custom ties. Thinking a Twitter Fail Whale tie would be hilarious! It tiles the image too. Looks really cool. #
  • Zazzle tie would cost $29.95. Bit pricey for a tie, I think, but the Fail Whale tie looks so cool. #
  • Ralph Yarro (from SCO, failed co that tried to sue Linux) wants to force all porn sites off Port 80. Someone please tell him it won’t work. #
  • In case you’re wondering why it wouldn’t, 2 questions: 1) Who defines what’s porn & what isn’t? 2) How do you enforce it outside the USA? #
  • 50 days until our Disney World vacation. Can’t wait! #
  • Has anyone else seen Google’s logo today? Eric Carle’s Hungry Little Caterpillar! #
  • Feeling shaky. I think that means it’s lunchtime. #
  • Commenter on my blog: “This is not important information for me.” Then why read and post a reply to my article? #
  • NHL’s adnoids are fine so he won’t need surgery. Still need to somehow help him to sleep better at night. #
  • Had to go to the ER w/ JSL just now. Wasn’t sure if he was choking at first & then he seized. 103.5 temp came out of nowhere. #
  • He’s medicated & home now sleeping. Temp down to 100.8 (last rectal @ hospital, 98 if our ear thermometer can be believed). #
  • This is JSL’s 2nd seizure. Unfortunately, NHL was right there during the whole thing. #
  • NHL initially panicked seeing mommy & daddy panic & JSL going limp. When 1st responders came, he got upset they blocked his view of the TV. #
  • Then he cried he couldn’t go to Hebrew School tomorrow. 5yr old coping at work. Worry about small things so you don’t think of the big thing #

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