This week in Tweets

  • Got almost no sleep last night after JSL had his 2nd febrile seizure in 2 days. Going to doctor’s to find out why his temp won’t stay down. #
  • RT @TheAngelForever Back from Dr w/little guy. We think sinus or hidden ear infection. Main goal keep temp down & hope antibiotics help. #
  • Tried using PHP’s Curl instead of ASP’s XMLHTTP to pull data from Twitter API. Was working but then got the Fail Whale. Did I break Twitter? #
  • Was at going away party for co-worker. Left. Just not in mood to party after the events of the weekend. (Plus, all the food is high points.) #
  • Had a productive morning but I’ve crashed. Can’t shake a lingering sadness about the weekend. I know JSL’ll be fine, but I’m still worried. #
  • I *really* wish “cool new hardware” was in my budget. Found a set top box that stores & plays movies for under $200. #
  • I could rip our DVD movies onto it & easily play them for the boys. You can even buy it w/o a HD. Buy as big a HD as you like & plug it in. #
  • But after the fridge, car, and Disney Trip, I don’t think “cool new set top box to play movies” is in my future. #
  • For the Twitter record, the cool new hardware is IOGEAR Portable Media Player. (If IOGear’s on Twitter & needs a review, I volunteer. 😉 ) #
  • RT @JeanetteHafke: A Twitter Cartoon To Mock Your Existence: <= You’ve summoned the FAIL WHALE!!! #
  • Students to get lessons on Twitter: <= Write an essay in 140 characters or less? #
  • Had a good idea today. Fill sushi with yam tempura & then deep-fry the roll. Turns out it’s been done already though. #
  • Just got Twitter-spammed. TwitTip: Posting the same message @-ed to 20 different people isn’t “getting the word out.” It’s spamming. #
  • RT @BadAstronomer: BREAKING NEWS: creationists lose (barely) in Texas! #
  • FireFox is using 474MB of memory! Prob my 1 tab w/ my beta Twitter App causing the issue. To debug I’m writing full XML data to the browser. #
  • RT @DadBlogs: Top 5 Reasons Why Dad Blogs are the Blogs to Watch: #
  • Found Zelda’s Sweet Shoppe’s Passover selection ( ) via Someone Spoil me ( ). Drooling over the treats. #
  • Really wish there was a Kosher For Passover bakery near us. Zelda’s items look great but $20 for shipping just makes it too pricey. #
  • So cold in my office today. Huddled over the space heater and it’s not helping. *BRRRR* #
  • Might go get hot water not to make oatmeal or tea, but just to drink straight to try to warm up. #
  • Made some good progress on my Twitter App. It was running slow so I had it report runtime of each step. Found the slow point & fixed it. #
  • Turned out to be a mySQL query that was running long. Added an “Order By” & “Limit 1” & it went from 30 seconds to under 1 second runtime. #
  • The Scariest Moments of My Life: #
  • RT @freebieprincess Borders 40% off List Price of 1 Item Printable Coupon #

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