This week in Tweets

  • Shoulder & neck are killing me. Half from sleeping funny, half from stress. #
  • Today should be a productive day. Mainly because I’ll either focus on work to the exclusion of all else or hide under my desk from the world #
  • Neck/back are really killing me. Time to try to find some advil. I know I have some somewhere. #
  • RT @BuildingCamelot: The Secret To A Lasting Marriage <= “A Simple Marriage” is now number 1 on my “Want to Read” list. #
  • How long until Ibuprofen should work? Took 2 tablets 1hr 15min ago and my neck/back are still killing me. #
  • I’m following @ScanMyPhotos to win another Kodak Zi6 HD Digital Camera – #
  • blocked at work & curious about something. Can someone check & see what kids’ shows are on Hulu? Any Noggin/Sprout stuff? #
  • Any #DirecTV users out there? Is the protection plan worth the $5.99/month? Or is it a waste of money? #
  • Oh #Mythbusters, why can’t you put full episodes online? I can’t drop Cable TV unless I can get me some Mythbustin’ action! #
  • I hate it when I get weird debugging calls just before I’m about to leave. #
  • I’m loving the Heroes Season Finale. #
  • Love the #Heroes seasion finale ending! So cool! Yet, I hate the Heroes season finale ending. So long to go until new episodes! #
  • Working on my Twitter app. Think I have something good going now. #
  • Nothing like starting your day by almost being sideswiped. Some people just don’t look to the side before they swerve between lanes. #
  • Turns out that #Mythbusters is available online – From Amazon’s Video on Demand for $1.99 an ep. Not free like others, but still available. #
  • Whole season of Mythbusters via Amazon VoD costs ~$50. (Cable TV is $66/mo.) Could prob make a set top box that supports Hulu & Amazon VoD. #
  • RT @grantimahara: Last night there were people in a caged-off area in the back of the bar knitting. Was it for our protection?? #
  • Really surprised that no one complained when our intranet’s WebMD feed showed the story titled “Penis Spray for Premature Ejaculation” 😉 #
  • Was looking for a good book to read during “wind down” times at Disney World. Think might be it. (by @BadAstronomer) #
  • RT @HisBoysCanSwim: Would you put your baby in this? Looks like a cage to me: #
  • Closing down now to head for home. Pretty productive day. Only 8 more work days until Disney World! #
  • RT @mike_elgan Voters in Indian state of Maharashtra get indelible ink on middle finger Chief minister & wife flip proof #
  • 10 days until our Disney World trip. Finger countdown time! 😀 #
  • Wondering how many other Twitterfolk will be at #DisneyWorld when we’re there. Twitter search shows @runningmama & @JessEdgar99. Any others? #
  • RT @mike_elgan The opposite of TinyURL: converts long URLs into longer quotes from Charles Dickens! #
  • RE DickensURL: My Dickens quote is: “There is a wisdom of the Head, and … there is a wisdom of the Heart.” From Hard Times #
  • #
  • LOL. Seesmic Desktop changed my DickensURL into a TinyURL link. The link goes to TinyURL which goes to DickensURL which goes to my website. #
  • hmmm…. Wubbzy Clean Room door hangers What if my kids hang this on my room though. 😉 #
  • RT @grantimahara: Want to see what kind of mayhem a one-ton ball of solid Lego does? Watch NEW #Mythbusters episode tonite 9pm on Discovery. #
  • Interesting. Apparently, you can use TVersity to stream videos from your PC to your Nintendo Wii over your wireless network. #
  • Why does my laptop always insist on freezing up when I’m feeling productive? It’s a conspiracy! #
  • Scale this morning indicated that I’ve finally shed my Passover weight gain. 3 pounds away from my Disney World weight loss goal of 185. #
  • Time to go home. No clue what I’m making for dinner though. #
  • RT @Shortpacked “i cant imagine how insulted jesus & moses would feel if they were called jewish” <= Religion FAIL! #
  • 9 Days until Disney World! #
  • Looks like @SARAG517 & @kristsu will be at Disney when we are. As I walk through Disney, I’ll be wondering who’s tweeting their trip. 😉 #
  • RT @FitAndBusyDad: NEW Blog Post – Do Cheat Meals Really Work? #
  • Back still hurting. This is the 3rd day. I can turn my head now but w/ shooting pain. Hope its better by the time we go to Disney World. #
  • It’s only 12 noon, but I already want to eat my lunch. That probably doesn’t bode well for my snacking over the rest of the day. #
  • All switched over from Sectorlink to Arvixe. On phone to cancel Sectorlink now. #
  • Sectorlink won’t prorate my hosting fee (5 days into the 1 month renewal). Sent an e-mail to their billing dept to see if they can do it. #
  • Sectorlink won’t promise to prorate my account. But if I make a note in my cancellation, they might possibly decide to. *grrr* #
  • *grrr* Not liking how Sectorlink is handling this. They absolutely refuse to do any prorating at all. #
  • Gets better. Sectorlink’s TOS seems to say that if they cancel my acct, they’d prorate the fees. #
  • So if I host warez & get disconnected, Sectorlink will prorate. If I just cancel the account, no prorating. Great policy there! #
  • Cool! Sectorlink made good and issued me a full refund for my month of hosting when they cancelled my account. #
  • RT @mike_elgan: Swine flu, it turns out, isn’t as bad as regular flu. <=The hype is more infectious than the flu itself #
  • RT @mike_elgan: This is madness, I tell you: (RT @steverubel) <= Quite a cool way to view tweets. #
  • 1hr 15 minutes to go. Motivation is plummeting, though. #
  • 45 seconds to generate a report, 42 seconds to display it. Think I need to work on cutting down the display time. #
  • Trying to shut down, but computer’s not letting me. Freezing up. C’mon already!!!!! #
  • Can you believe what this mother feeds her babies?!!! #
  • She’s too busy for housework or making meals, but they “only get dressed & go out 1x a week to collect her benefits.” What’s she busy doing? #
  • 8 more days until we go to Disney World! #
  • Have 9GB in memory cards for our upcoming Disney trip. Wonder if that’s enough. That’s only 1.2 GB of photos per day. 😉 #
  • Each photo tends to be around 2.2MB, so that means I’ll need to limit myself to around 550 photos per day. Don’t know if I can do that. 😉 #
  • My wife (@TheAngelForever) just found her old camera w/ a 1GB memory card in it. That gives us 10GB to play with. “Only” 630 photos per day. #
  • All totaled, we’ll be able to take 4,450 photos during our 7 days at Disney World. (Plus Photo Pass photos & photos taken by my in-laws.) #
  • Anyone know of a good, free Hangman game for the computer? NHL loves playing hangman & I’d love to let him play it while on the computer. #
  • Suddenly tired. Is it nap time yet? #
  • No wonder computer was running slow, it was running out of disk space. Cleaned it up some. #
  • Have to reboot because of a previously installed Windows Update. Perhaps a short nap while my computer reboots. #
  • Yay! The weekend is here. Time to go home and plan for our Disney World trip. Only a week more to go! #
  • PHP, why must you torment me? When I think I’ve fixed the last bug, another one rears its ugly head. #
  • Bug tracked down. Unfortunately, it looks like the problem is that str_replace in #PHP is taking up too much memory. #
  • I’m trying to replace an array of values with “” (empty string) in a string of length 87,654,081. Is that too much to ask of #PHP? 😉 #
  • Note visitors of my across-the-street neighbors: When you stop by at 1am, DON’T HONK YOUR HORN!!! Get out of the car & go to the door! #
  • Time for bed. If anyone has any #PHP suggestions, tweet me. I’ll check my @replies when I sign on tomorrow (or is it today now?) #
  • Thinking of buying “Einstein: His Life and Universe” or “In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto” for downtime reading on our Disney trip. #
  • Coding my PHP app while JSL sleeps on the floor & @TheAngelForever picks up NHL. Wishing I was sleeping too. Don’t feel well. #
  • Lack of sleep + Allergies = Feeling blech. #

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