This week in Tweets

  • Swine flu confirmed in Orlando. Teen from Mexico & visited Disney. We go to Disney in 5 days. Not giving into flu hype. #
  • Got an “employment offer” from some fabrics company that I never contacted for employment. Can you say Scam? I knew you could. #
  • The “job”: I cash checks for them, keep some & wire rest to them. What really happens: I cash checks, wire money, checks bounce, I’m out $$$ #
  • Just saw last Pushing Daisies (that aired here so far). So many loose threads left open. My response to the ep ending: Oh, HELL NO! #
  • Never thought I’d say it, but #PHP is letting me down. Don’t really blame it though. I’m asking it to process over 88MB worth of string data #
  • 5 days until Disney. We’re in the home stretch. #
  • Everyone’s doing the same pun today. I refuse to say “May the Fourth Be With You.” Wait a sec….. #
  • We’re going to get weather-shock when we go to Disney. Forecasted temp for here on Sat: 67 (& that’s the day’s high) Temp in Orlando: 90’s! #
  • Great article on WebMD: Putting Swine Flu in Perspective #
  • Only 226 people in the US have had confirmed cases of Swine Flu in 10 days. That’s only 23 people/day. Not a huge outbreak. #
  • Also, all those people (save 1 toddler visiting from Mexico) have recovered from Swine Flu. Too many people are panicking needlessly. #
  • RT @HighTechDad Testing powers of social networking. Can someone get this blog post in front of Honda Motors execs? Thx! #
  • Video conversion is running long. Hoping this works. Need to convert a MOV to AVI or MPG. #
  • Pretty slow day so far. I did most of what I needed to get done last week. This week should mainly be cleanup before I head to Disney World. #
  • Got a handsfree set from my parents. Cellphone doesn’t see it via Bluetooth. What’s the best way to ID & find out if my phone supports it? #
  • Looks like the handsfree set is a Motorola HS850. #
  • Got the bluetooth headset set up. Will need to see if my wife likes it. She’s been headset-less since her last wired one broke. #
  • Watching (thanks @BadAstronomer) Lots of ignorance from antivaxxers. Not vaccinating puts your kids & others at risk. #
  • Walter Wagner thinks that something that will either happen or not has a probability of 50-50. So I have a 50-50 shot of winning the lotto! #
  • “All it takes is a dollar and a dream and a complete lack of knowledge of how probability is determined!” #
  • Wow. The end of the day snuck up on me. 4:30 already? Time to go home. #
  • Just saw one of the Dancing With the Stars’ skimpy outfits. Just wondering: At what point will Dancing With the Stars become porn? #
  • 4 days until Disney now. NHL’s getting excited now. Of course, so am I. 😉 #
  • Ok, time for me to wake up. I just tried to do a search in Seesmic Desktop by typing in the “post a tweet” box. lol #
  • Pre-Disney to dos: Backup laptops & desktop to external HDD. Move HDD off-site. Get another from Radio Shack. #
  • Also need to remember to pull (and delete photos from) the 2GB SD card in our digital photo frame. That’s 2GB more photos to take at Disney. #
  • Count Till Ten Tuesday <= Includes a video of JSL counting to 10. Very cute! #
  • My wife’s computer blue-screened. She tried to reboot and more blue screen. Looks like I’ll be debugging that tonight. #
  • Wife’s computer not good. All attempts at booting give blue screen. Found my BartPE Boot CD & am running chkdsk now. #
  • My laptop froze up while sitting next to my wife’s. She joked “it’s the Swine virus.” The Swine flu has jumped from humans to computers!! #
  • 3 out of the 5 chkdsk steps complete. Fourth step is at 94% and going slowly. Hope I won’t need to let this run overnight. #
  • My wife just realized that she’s wearing Barney colors! (Purple shirt/green shorts) Clearly lack of Internet access is affecting her sanity. #
  • She just told me to note that those were workout clothes, not going-out-in-public clothes. #
  • Chkdsk completed & fixed a whole bunch of problems. Running it one more time just to be sure & then I’ll try booting my wife’s laptop again. #
  • Really getting tired. Going to step away from the computer for a few secs. A watched pot never boils & a watched chkdsk never reaches 100%. #
  • So tired…. chkdsk is at 95% (step 4 of 5)… c’mon computer, check that disk quicker. #
  • Fell asleep last night before chkdsk finished. Wife’s computer is booting now. So far, so good. Looks like it’s all fixed. #
  • Wife’s computer boots fine now but no start menu (it’s resized on the bot of the screen & I can’t re-resize it) & can’t drag/drop anything. #
  • Got my wife’s laptop beside me here. Boots up now, but can’t drag/drop or copy/paste. Task bar is resized small (can’t drag/drop to fix it). #
  • Running a System File Checker on it. Thinking that the Big Crash might have messed up some system files. #
  • If this doesn’t work, might have to reinstall XP. #
  • System File Checker didn’t fix the problem. Multitasking now. Working on the XP Reinstall now while doing work-work and eating breakfast. #
  • XP reinstall’s a bust. It blue screened on the CD boot. Safe Mode restore is a bust also. Not sure what to do next. Running out of options. #
  • There’s always the Dell Restore Partition, but I want to avoid that if at all possible. #
  • 1st American Swine Flu death. But the woman lived close to Mexico, was severly overweight, just gave birth, & recently had pneumonia. #
  • IOW, she had health complications that would make pretty much any flu life threatening. #
  • Running memtest on my wife’s laptop now. Hoping it isn’t a hardware issue. #
  • My inbox to-do items are down to 2. Of course, that doesn’t count stuff that needs to wait until we come back from Disney World. #
  • Memtest turned up no errors. Looks like OS is corrupt. Only option left is the Dell Recovery Partition. This’ll mean data loss though. #
  • 3 Days to go until we leave for Disney World. #
  • With my wife’s computer woes (& Disney packing/planning), I didn’t finish my Twitter App like I thought I would. #
  • Guess it’ll have to wait till I get back. #
  • Remembered to backup my wife’s bookmarks jsut before I started Dell System Restore. Now I’m restoring her laptop. Hope this does the trick. #
  • If not, we might need to shop for a new laptop. Don’t know if we can afford it though. #
  • That went quickly. Only took 3 minutes to complete. Time to boot into Windows now. *crosses fingers* #
  • Windows booting went fine. Installed all Windows Updates, Service Packs, and FireFox. Rest of the setup and data restore to be done tonight. #
  • Just 2 days to go until Disney World! In less than 48 hours, my kids (and my wife, in-laws and me) will be partying with Mickey. 🙂 #
  • Thinking of making a lunchtime run to Radio Shack. #
  • 45 more hours until we leave for Disney World. Not that I’m counting or anything. 😉 #
  • Radio Shack clerk: Need help? Me: Looking for memory card case. Him: Don’t think we have it. Me: It showed In Stock on website & there it is #
  • Signed up for Disney Photo Pass for the $99 CD. It let me register, but I don’t see where I can lock in the $99 price. What gives? #
  • Just pre-ordered our #Disney PhotoPass PhotoCD. Very cool that Express Shipping is included in the (discounted) price! #
  • Laptops backed up. Desktop computer backing up. Letting it run overnight. Hopefully it’ll be done by morn so I can move the backups offsite. #
  • 1 day to go until Disney World! Tomorrow at this time we’ll be in the air. Woo Hoo!!!! #
  • My desktop computer backup took too long last night. Still wasn’t done by the morning so I couldn’t take the HD into work. Had to let it run #
  • Will explore different offsite options. Hopefully it is done when I get home. #
  • Had considered texting from Disney World. Pro: I’d be able to tweet. Con: Couldn’t see replies. Oh yeah, & it’d cost me $0.25 per tweet. #
  • To do list down to 9 items. Inbox down to 2 items. Shooting for 5 items total by end of day. #
  • RT @TheAngelForever: Magical vacation memories –> Includes photos with our Mouse Ears on. #
  • Wow. It’s only 10:45. Day is dragging on. 22 hours until we leave for Disney World. #
  • Friend’s relative in congestive heart failure & possible organ failure. Not good. & he’s only 30! Definitely makes me value my health more. #
  • Yuck. Apparently NHL was in class working on a project with Epson Salt and decided to taste it. #
  • On the way to school today NHL said boys are tough & girls aren’t. I told him that lots of girls are tough. He said no, only boys are… #
  • … So I told him that his mommy is tough. She’s done lots of tough things in her life. When he asked what, I answered “giving birth.” #
  • Told him (in 5 yr old terms) that childbirth can be tough & mommy did it really well because she’s tough. Don’t think I’d be able to. #
  • Bought new razor heads last night. Installed them today. They don’t work. Just spent $33 on nothing & might not have a razor for Disney. #
  • Feeling awful now. Because I made a bad search for replacement parts, we bought the wrong heads for my razor. Wasted $33+. ARGH! #
  • Luckily, @TheAngelForever was able to fish my old ones out of the trash and put them back in. They seem to be working. #
  • Just pre-ordered EA SPORTS Active. Can’t wait to try it out. #
  • 19 more hours until we leave for Disney. (Who’s counting? 😉 ) #
  • Finishing up work stuff before I head out for our weeklong Disney World vacation. Almost everything is done now! 🙂 #
  • Inbox all cleaned out. I love the smell of a clean inbox! 🙂 #

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