Share Your EA Sports Active Custom Workouts

I fell in love with EA Sports Active the minute I first started working out with it. Let me rephrase that. It was more of a love/hate relationship. I loved working out to it. My body sometimes hated the fact that I was forcing it to run, squat, jump, box, etc instead of just sitting on the couch. Slowly, though, I felt my strength increasing so I upped the workouts from Easy to Medium. I even venture into Hard from time to time. Mainly for the Custom Workouts.

This is one of the strengths of EA Sports Active. The Custom Workouts. You can design your own workout and share it with others playing on your Nintendo Wii system. I made a tennis workout that B likes to do when her knees need a rest. I also made a quite tiring running one.

Do you have a favorite custom workout for EA Sports Active? Head on over, add it to the mix, and post a link to it in the comments section below. Don’t forget to spread the word. The more people who contribute, the more valuable this resource will be.