New Year, New Decade, New Me! #newme

It’s a new year and a new decade. During the last decade, one of my proudest moments (besides marrying my wonderful AngelForever or having my two fantastic kids) was losing weight. I went from 255 pounds to 175 pounds (80 pounds lost) in about 2 years’ time. I was actually called skinny by people. The first time I’ve been called that in my entire life! Since then, my weight has gone up and down quite a few times. Recently, I’ve slacked off again and my weight crept back on. Not the full amount, mind you, but enough to push me above 200 pounds again.

I was planning on recommitting to dropping those excess pounds and chronicalling my efforts on my blog. Then BuckDaddy posted about his Project New Me. I decided to join in. I plan to weigh myself every Sunday morning and post about it Monday morning. I’ll include how much weight I’ve lost (or gained), how events from the previous week contributed to my weight change and any plans for the upcoming week. Look for my first NewMe post tomorrow.

Feel free to join BuckDaddy and I in making a New You in the New Year. Simply use the #NewMe hashtag when you tweet. I wish you luck with all of your plans in 2010, whether they be for weight loss or something else.