Sid The Downloadable Kid!

I’ve talking about Sid The Science Kid before. I reviewed and hosted a giveaway for a Sid toy. I even mentioned a great episode about vaccines. So how could Sid get any better? How about like this:

Yes, that’s the complete Sid The Science Kid Vaccine episode able to be viewed online. And no, it’s not a pirated version, but a fully approved version. Don’t think it could get better than that? Well, if you go to, you can download this Sid episode for free.

As you may know, I’m a big fan of online video. I stream Netflix movies regularly on my Roku (especially another Henson production, Farscape). I’ve also considered cutting the cable cord more than once. (If we did, I’d be glad that PBS Kids, and thus Sid the Science Kid and Dinosaur Train would be available via over-the-air television.) Being able to watch a Sid episode on my computer via the Internet is great. (Note to PBS Kids: Please consider making a Roku channel to stream full episodes to people’s Roku boxes on demand. My kids would love this!)


  • I have just discovered Sid. My son is 9 months old and he absolutely finds the show fascinating. And thanks for reminding me about Farscape–I had forgotten about that show!
    .-= Lori @ I Can Grow People´s last blog ..I’m a jerk =-.

  • ProdigiousJuggalo

    My kids can stomach about 10minutes of a Sid episode. I’ve tried watching it, and while very educational, I agree with their opinion of it.

    Now as for Dinosaur Train, both of my children love this show. It is good for all ages. It amazes me what they pick up from this show and I’d say that they learn WAY more than from Sesame Street, albeit, different content.

    Lastly – I am an avid Roku digital video player user, as is my family. We simply love the streaming of content directly to our TV. It would be great to see them open up the content to allow viewing through the Roku.

    Prodigious Juggalo