My Dancing Fools

Over the weekend, we went to a family wedding. First of all, my kids do not have good track records with weddings. The last one we were at, B’s brother’s wedding, saw NHL scream out “I GOTTA GO POTTY” twice. Not because he had to go, mind you, but because he was bored and wanted out of the room. I wasn’t too shocked when, as the wedding party entered to ceremonial music, JSL started getting fussy and announced loudly “ME HUNGRY!!!” We had already gotten him some food (thanks to the catering staff), but he wasn’t satisfied and got more and more vocal.

I picked him up and carried him outside as quickly as I could, but he got even more vocal as we left. I was able to calm him down outside and entertain him with watching some ants and rocking in some rocking chairs. Eventually, I heard different music that indicated to me that the ceremony had ended and soon afterwards, B came out to see how we were doing.

A short while later, my boys were happily eating – crackers and cheese. The appetizers were being served and they were loving it. At one point, NHL informed me that he was almost completely full but had just enough room for cake. I told him that the main course still had to be served and he gave me a “You’re kidding right” look. Of course, they both almost completely shunned the main course. Not because the food was bad, mind you. It was quite good. They shunned it because it was “adult food” and not chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese or pizza. *sigh* I really need to work on that.

After the cake was sliced, the music started blaring and people starting dancing. Here is where my boys really enjoyed the wedding. NHL and JSL proved that they were both dancing fools, even if video was being taken of them. Please excuse some of the dark videos, the lighting wasn’t the greatest. The room was darkened so rotating colored lights could be seen. If anyone knows of any free or low cost video editing tools to lighten dark videos, I’d love to hear of it.

Do The Twist

Dance Around (very dark, you can see JSL running in circles but can’t see NHL attempting to break dance)

Music (And Trying To Snap Fingers) Trumps Cake… Who Knew?


By the end of the night, both kids were exhausted and passed out quite easily. We’re going to have to have dance-offs for them more often!