On the Road Again…. Headed Off To #BlogHer10

As you read this, B, CutestKidEver and I will be packing ourselves into a nice, big Chevy Tahoe Hybrid and headed on the road. Our roadtrip will take us into New York City for BlogHer 2010. As I write this (and prepare it to be scheduled for posting), our bags are mostly packed. Our schedules are printed and we’re getting psyched about the trip.

This will be the first time we’ll be taking a trip without the boys. NHL has slept over Nana and Papa’s house before, but we were always right there in our house (less than a mile away). JSL has never slept over anywhere if we weren’t there. This will be a new (and hopefully good) experience for him.

In addition to spending some quality kid-free time together, we hope to be able to meet a lot of people both new and folks we talk to online. We also hope to connect with some great companies, learn more about the art of blogging and even party a bit. (Yes, I have sparkles for Sparklecorn!)

If you’ll be at BlogHer, I hope to see you there!