100 Steps Father-Son Photoshoot

This was going to be a “Wordless Wednesday” post, but I needed to give too much back-story. So instead, it’s a “Wordy Wednesday” post! And a Photo-Heavy-Wordy-Wednesday post to boot.
On JSL’s birthday, he got a new camera. In addition, I gave NHL my old camera with the broken flash. (Where “gave” means “let him use with my supervision.”)
A few days later, Chookooloonks posted some photography exercises. Among them was one called “100 Steps.” It’s very simple. Step 1: Grab your cameras. Step 2: Walk out your front door. Step 3: Take 100 steps. Step 4: Find 20 things to take photos off.
So I armed the boys with their cameras, explained what we were going to do, gave them some ground rules (no photos of people without their permission, car license plates, etc) and off we went. To keep things simple (especially for 4 year old JSL), I limited us to 10 photos.
First, here are mine:
Now, here are NHL’s (with 2 removed because they were horribly out of focus and 1 removed because it could identify a neighbor’s house):
Here are JSL’s (he only took nine):
After we were done, we decided to stretch the rules and walk around our block for a bit taking more photos. Here are some of ours. See if you can guess who took which photos.
If you answered that the first 4 were JSL’s, the next 4 were NHL’s and the last 6 were from me, then you were right! Your prize? The chance to go do the same thing with your kids. Go outside for a walk and take photos together. If they don’t have cameras, don’t worry. Just have them point out things for you to take photos of. Just remember the most important rule of all is to have fun together!
It’s amazing how many beautiful things you can find to photograph right outside your door. You all did a great job! I wanna do it too. Heading over to Chookooloonks’ site.
Diane @ OhDiane recently posted..Our Visit to the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum
Oh, man, this just made me crazy happy. Great, great job!
Karen from Chookooloonks recently posted..even more beautiful wds faces
Isn’t it just great how you can take a picture of something that your average person would just walk right on by and make it interesting by filling the frame with it?
Great shots, man. Although I would have zoomed in a bit more on the dandelion…and set it off center. But, hey, it’s your shot!
How about giving me a hand by stopping by my place and taking a look around? I’m at http://www.primetimewhitespace.com.