Doctor Who? Doctor TechyDad!

After spending time sewing my fez and bowtie and hunting down some suspenders, it’s time to reveal my Doctor outfit.
In fact, I think I’ve found my new Twitter Avatar:
Want to know how much it all cost? Well, here’s the breakdown:
The shirt, jacket, pants, and shoes (not pictured) were essentially free as I already owned these. Same for the sonic screwdriver which was a birthday present. The suspenders came from Hot Topic and cost about $9.20. I made the bow tie myself out of materials that cost me about $1.30. I also made the fez myself from materials that cost about $2. This means that the Doctor outfit only cost me about $12.50. Not bad.
There’s one more piece to my costume, though.
Yes, that’s a TARDIS key. This was a very easy project. Do you ever get junk mailings from car dealerships with keys? The intent is that you go to the dealership, try out the key, and you win a car if it fits in the car’s lock. Of course, the entire setup is a ploy to get you into a dealership so they can sell you a car (when your key inevitably fails to fit in a car).
Instead of going to the dealership or tossing the key, I simply cleaned it off and used my label maker to make a "POLICE BOX" label for it. (Yes, I know the TARDIS key on the show is all silver and doesn’t say "POLICE BOX." Artistic license.) It’s a small detail that I’m sure nobody will see, but I liked making it. Now if only I can remember where I parked my TARDIS.
Now I just need to wait one more day until Halloween so I can wear this costume while the boys go trick or treating. Is it Halloween yet? What about now? Man, time sure does go slowly when you don’t have a time machine!
I showed this to my son and he covets your costume. 🙂