Christmas Traditions Old And New

Today is Christmas day.  I hope everyone that celebrates Christmas has a wonderful holiday.  I happen to be Jewish, so I don’t celebrate Christmas.  Even though I don’t celebrate the holiday, we still have some Christmas traditions that we tend to follow.

First, we watch the Christmas day parade.  Often, I’ll work on Christmas day.  (I can take that time off another day and tend to get a lot of work done without a lot of incoming e-mails or phone calls.)  Finally, though it might be a bit stereotypical, we go out to a Chinese restaurant for dinner (or at least bring Chinese food in).

This year, we’re adding a new Christmas tradition.  I got into Doctor Who late last year.  Soon afterwards, B got into Doctor Who.  Finally, after some tempting using a book titled When’s The Doctor, the boys became addicted to Doctor Who.  Every year, Doctor Who has a Christmas special.  Not only is this our first year watching it together (live or DVRed as opposed to "catching up"), but it’s going to be an extra-special episode.  Matt Smith is stepping down as The Doctor and Peter Capaldi is taking his place.  So my boys, B and I will see our first live (or DVRed but viewed soon after the live showing) regeneration.

What Christmas traditions do you have?