Evolution of a Parody Song or Little Cookie of Fur?

My boys haven’t been allowed to watch The Big Bang Theory of yet. While there’s a lot in the show that we could geek out over together, there’s just too much (e.g. sex talk) that is inappropriate for them.  Still, we’ve introduced them to some elements of the show such as the Soft Kitty song.

If you’ve never seen Big Bang Theory, the Soft Kitty song is the tune that Sheldon Cooper’s mother sings to him when he gets sick.

While in the kitchen the other day, I began – just out of the blue – singing "Soft cookie, warm cookie."  That’s when JSL chimed in.  Unfortunately, he completed the line with the line "Little Cookie of Fur."  Suddenly, there was much laughter – mostly from me as I envisioned a furry cookie.  (Furry cookies don’t seem appetizing to me at all!)

After a moment of thought, I continued my verse with "ball of cookie dough.  Chewy cookie, chocolate cookie…" And that’s where I was stuck.  I couldn’t think of a rhyme for dough that would work.

Not to be deterred, I kept at it as I worked in the kitchen.  Finally, I came up with:

Soft cookie
Warm cookie
Cookie dough rolled up
Chewy cookie
Chocolate cookie
Eat them up!

This sounded really good… except the repeated "up" nagged at me.  It always strikes me as cheap when a singer rhymes a word with itself.  Call it nitpicking, but an entire song can be ruined for me because the lyrics include self-rhyming.  After some more thought, I sang:

Soft cookie
Warm cookie
Get them in my tum
Chewy cookie
Chocolate cookie
Yum! Yum! Yum!

This was better, but now the "tum" line bothered me.  Still, it was pretty good so I decided to leave it be.

A short while later, I went upstairs to hook up a new printer (one my in-laws weren’t using anymore).  While cleaning up some space for it, I came upon some old finds: VHS tapes, old Free Comic Book Day comics, and a rhyming dictionary.  I wondered if this would have a good word so JSL (who had come to keep me company/play) and I looked up "yum."  I could have slapped myself.  How could I forget the word "crumb"?!!!  That both rhymed and fit the cookie theme.  So here is the full Soft Cookie song:

Soft cookie
Warm cookie
Little cookie crumb
Chewy cookie
Chocolate cookie
Yum! Yum! Yum!

Of course, I had to have a little graphics fun as well to come up with this:

Soft Cookie Web

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