Things You Never Thought You’d Say Before You Were A Parent #1

I’m going to debut a new feature on TechyDad:  Things You Never Thought You’d Say Before You Were A Parent.

For the inaugeral session, I have two sayings.  The first one came a couple of days ago.  B was in bed with JSL, trying to get him to sleep.  I neard JSL laughing in the other room as B checked his diaper.  I found myself saying:

"Are you tickling his crotch again?"

The second just came a couple of minutes ago.  JSL was playing with a small polar bear figure and apparently decided that it needed a cave.  He figured that daddy’s shirt would do nicely, pulled my shirt open, and dropped the polar bear in.  I told him:

"Don’t stuff that polar bear down my shirt!"

Feel free to leave your own Things You Never Thought You’d Say Before You Were A Parent in the comments below.

One comment

  • There are probably enough out there to write a couple books. 🙂 Here are a couple of my own:

    My wife just left a note on the counter to remind us to clean out our youngest’s pants pockets. The note says “Jerky in pocket.”

    Our lovely daughters (6 and 8) are enamored by farting. I have on more than one occasion had to say “Get your nose out of your sister’s butt!”