Things You Never Thought You’d Say Before You Were A Parent #2

It’s been awhile, so it’s time for another issue of "Things You Never Thought You’d Say Before You Were A Parent."

Our first TYNTYSBYWAP involves both JSL and NHL.  JSL has this bad habit of headbutting everything and everyone in sight.  Yesterday, he and NHL were playing.  NHL was laying down on the ground.  JSL approached him and headbutted him…. in the groin.  As NHL laughed, I exclaimed "JSL, do *not* headbutt your brother’s crotch!"

Then, just today, I was changing JSL into his PJs.  While laying on the changing table, JSL decided to play telephone.  It’s one of his favorite games.  He holds something – anything – up to his ear and pretends it is a telephone.  This time, however, I had to tell him:  "JSL, your foot is *NOT* a telephone!"

Has your little one made you say something you never thought you would say before you were a parent?

Things You Never Thought You’d Say Before You Were A Parent #1

I’m going to debut a new feature on TechyDad:  Things You Never Thought You’d Say Before You Were A Parent.

For the inaugeral session, I have two sayings.  The first one came a couple of days ago.  B was in bed with JSL, trying to get him to sleep.  I neard JSL laughing in the other room as B checked his diaper.  I found myself saying:

"Are you tickling his crotch again?"

The second just came a couple of minutes ago.  JSL was playing with a small polar bear figure and apparently decided that it needed a cave.  He figured that daddy’s shirt would do nicely, pulled my shirt open, and dropped the polar bear in.  I told him:

"Don’t stuff that polar bear down my shirt!"

Feel free to leave your own Things You Never Thought You’d Say Before You Were A Parent in the comments below.