Cooking With TechyDad: Sneaky BonBons

Yesterday, I introduced Sneaky Weeky and showed you how to make two purees. Today, we’re going to put one of them to good use. First, let’s gather our ingredients.


That’s peanut butter, the orange puree, rolled oats (not instant), wheat germ, chocolate chips and sprinkles. Quite an ecclectic mix there, isn’t it. First, let’s put the puree and peanut butter into a bowl and mix them together.

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Next, we’ll add in the wheat germ, rolled oats and chocolate chips and mix it all together.

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Next, put some sprinkles on a plate. Scoop up teaspoon sized portions, roll them into balls and roll them in the sprinkles. You could also dust them with powdered sugar or cinnamon and sugar instead of using sprinkles. After rolling, wrap them in plastic wrap and stick them in the freezer.

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Now snacking is as simple as taking them out and letting them thaw. You could pack a couple of these for a child’s lunch and they should be fine by snacktime. The kids will think they’re delicious because of the chocolate chips and sprinkles. They won’t realize that they’re getting fiber from the wheat germ or vitamins from the orange puree. In fact, they won’t even know that the wheat germ or puree are there.


  • Michelle

    Let me know what they think of the taste, they look scrumptious!

  • TechyDad

    Sorry, I should have included a paragraph at the end detailing what we thought of them. NHL loved them and wanted more. JSL liked them, but didn’t scarf them down as much. (I’m thinking that the size/shape were a bit awkward for him.) We also loved them and would snack on them often. Perhaps too often. Wasn’t the point to sneak these veggies into our kids and not ourselves?!! 😉

  • I think I’m going to try these.

    Why not submit this to the next Kosher Cooking Carnival (I’m hosting)?
    .-= Devo K´s last blog ..Sneaky cooking =-.

  • TechyDad

    I’ve submitted this article to the Kosher Cooking Carnival. Thanks.

  • TechyDad


    Two more point I should probably have made in the blog post. I’m not sure if the chocolate chips were too big for the balls I was making. I might see if I can find mini-chocolate chips or somehow break down the chocolate chips to make them fit in more.

    Also, I wondered if these might bake well into more of a cookie form. I’ve done flour-less peanut butter cookies where the main ingredient was PB. This would be similar. Just bake until they flattened a bit and the chocolate chips melted. I might try this with some of my next batch. (Of course, I’d omit the “roll in sprinkles” step if I did this.)

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  • Thanks for participating in the November KCC! Please don’t forget to spread the word and post a link to it in your blog. Happy Thanksgiving!
    .-= Devo K´s last blog ..Kosher Cooking Carnival #48 =-.