Project New Me: Week #4 or Hitting of Goal 1 #newme

Weight: 196 lbs (down 1.5 pounds)

Average Hours of Sleep: 6.5 hours

Total Workout Time: 41:36

Total Calories Burned: 299.5

Well, I did it. I was shooting for losing 10 pounds before I went to Disney World and as of this weigh-in, I’ve lost 11 pounds. Goal #1 achieved! Now, I just need to keep the weight off until I head for Disney.

The sleep average is a bit misleading. On Friday night, I was up a few times during the night with NHL. That, combined with a sleep deficit during the week consired to make me exhausted. B was nice enough to let me sleep in. I wound up getting 10 hours of sleep that night. Except for that night, I’ve still been unable to get a good night’s sleep. And, as you can see, I’ve also had trouble keeping up with my exercise regimine. I’d like to use the excuse of preparing for the Disney World trip, and that is partly the case, but the problem is just life. I get home, get everyone fed, get the kids in bed and suddenly there is too much to do and too little time. I plan to keep working on this and not get discouraged.

For now, I’ll take the victory of being 11 pounds down. Only 9 pounds to go and 16 more weeks. This is definitely doable.

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