Project New Me: Week #12 or Pre-Passover Weighin #newme

Weight: 190 lbs (no change)

Average Hours of Sleep: 5.7 hours

Total Workout Time: 0

Total Calories Burned: 0

Beginning my Passover Project New Me respite, I’m 190 pounds. This means I’m (like last week) a mere 3 pounds from my goal. Of course, high calorie Passover food won’t help me lose weight. I’ll try to eat as well as I can, but Passover is complicated enough without adding points into the mix. So I won’t be tracking them this week. It should be interesting to see how much I gain at next week’s weighin. (I won’t be tracking points, but I’ll still be weighing in.)

As far as sleep is concerned, I did poorly this week. JSL has had bad nighttime coughing fits. He doesn’t typically wake up from these, but we do. He’s come into our bed many nights where we laid awake listening to him coughing. He seems to be getting better (and Passover cleaning is done) so hopefully this will mean more sleep for us.