Project New Me: Week #13 or Mid-Passover Weighin #newme

Weight: 192 lbs (up 2 pounds)

Average Hours of Sleep: N/A

Total Workout Time: 0

Total Calories Burned: 0

Well, it’s the middle of Passover (actually, getting toward the end). Given the complexity of cooking for Passover, I decided not to track points. I figured that, I’d gain weight but I’d try to keep it under control by eating healthy wherever possible. I’ll admit to snacking on more than my fair share of Passover cakes, but those tend to be self-limiting as they don’t taste as good as non-Passover cakes. In any event, my weight gain was only 2 pounds which I’d say was pretty good.

I didn’t keep track of my sleep time either, but I think that I got less than average amount of sleep. Between being up until midnight for the Sedars and being up late cleaning, I didn’t get that much sleep. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get more sleep during the upcoming week.