Aloha Friday: From Crib To Bunking In A Bed

Before NHL was two, we went for a trip to see some friends in Pennsylvania.  While there, NHL slept in a bed by himself for the first time.  (He was still sleeping in his crib.)  When we got back home, NHL was restless at night.  We quickly figured out that his problem was that he had gotten a taste of a big boy bed and wanted more.  We got a twin bed, put it in his room and retired his crib to the basement for storage.

After JSL was born, the crib was brought back out and JSL slept there.  As he began approaching three, he seemed to have more and more restless nights.  We would often find him pushing his body against both sides of the crib at once or with arms and legs in the crib slots (at which point we would need to help him get free before he woke up).  We would get him a bed like NHL’s but their room isn’t big enough to support two beds.  There would be literally no space to walk past the beds.

We’ve considered our options and right now our best bet seems to be bunk beds.  JSL would get the bottom bunk and NHL the top.  Of course, we’re worried about potential dangers of bunk beds, but we also don’t see any other option considering their room size.

My Aloha Friday question for this week is: Have you ever had bunk beds?  If so, what do you recommend we look for/look out for?

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island

Aloha #40