Aloha Friday: Revealing Your Blog To Family

JSL’s third birthday is coming up. Family will be gathered and celebrating will be done. So why am I nervous? Well, we’ve never told my family that we blog. This isn’t to say that we’ve been actively keeping our blogging activities from family. It’s just that our blog lives and real lives were separate for the longest time. However, recently, B decided to “come out of her bloggy shell.” As such, our real lives are seeping into our blog lives and vice versa.

Meanwhile, NHL is 6 years old. As we all know, six year olds don’t exactly have the greatest track record for secrets. Add in an up and coming secret-revealer (aka JSL) and it’s only a matter of time before one of them blabs.

My Aloha Friday question for this week is: Is it time to reveal our blogging activities to our family? Should we control this reveal rather than it come as a surprise uttered by a child? If you’ve revealed your blog to family before, how did you do it?

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #37


  • I approached it from the positive perspective rather than the negative – this is a great tool for sharing my life in a way that leaves no one out. I have found that my family never reads it anyway…
    .-= RobMonroe´s last blog ..Daddy Daughter Date =-.

  • My family knows that I blog but never visit it. I simple to it as a journal of our daily basis.

    Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend.
    .-= Annie´s last blog ..Aloha Friday!!!!!! =-.

  • No matter how many times I’ve mentioned to my family that I blog, no one ever reads it (that I know of).

    Like Rob mentioned – I approached it as a tool for sharing my life so it cut down on the magnitude of emails and emailed photo’s to keep everyone up to date since they’re all 3000 miles away. That logic can still work for local family members! 🙂
    .-= Stacy (the Random Cool Chick)´s last blog ..Aloha Follow Friday – The Mother’s Day Edition =-.

  • I never really thought of blogging as a ‘dirty secret’. I’m not ashamed to do it- it’s my hobby just as golfing or bike riding is to them.
    .-= Harriet´s last blog ..Did you know…Success if the opposite of failure? =-.

  • I don’t have what one would call a healthy relationship with my family because they are all pretty much wingnuts. So, I while I haven’t shared it with them, at some point one found it and the rest followed. And of course I know they come and poke around and look for whatever it is they look for, but they don’t interact on my blog, so I don’t really care. I will admit that it has, at times, made me hyper-vigilant in what I share on my blog, and I absolutely do not like that. I don’t like writing while worrying how people I rarely, if ever, talk to will think about it and whether or not their will be dramatic repercussions from it. I’m trying to get away from that.

    Oh yeah, I had a point before I rambled about me. I think that if you’re comfortable with them knowing and have a good relationship with them, then there’s probably no harm in letting them know.

  • While dear Hubby knew about my blog he never visited it nor did any of my family members until I started on FaceBook and my blog is connected to it. Ugg, I wish that were not the case. My place where I could vent has been lost and I am saddened by it.
    .-= Tammy @ LoveMy2Dogs´s last blog ..BBQ Shrimp Recipe =-.

  • Everyone knows I blog- and since the girls blog with me everyone they know also knows. Mostly I don’t even think they care or read it. 😉

    I have and always will be very honest and forthright so our blog is just an extension of that. I say nothing on it that I wouldn’t say to someone’s fave. Life is MUCH SIMPLER that way.
    .-= dddiva´s last blog ..Summer Bash Proposal =-.

  • Most of my family knows about my blog – it really wasn’t that big of a deal.

  • My family and friends have always known I blog and it’s on my facebook profile, but i’m not sure how many of them ever read it! maybe just drop it into conversation, but don’t act like its a big deal, or even worse a big secret 🙂
    .-= Rach´s last blog ..Aloha friday #133 =-.

  • everyone knows I blog my family, my friends, those who go to church with me and anyone that knows me I am proud of my blog and share it all over the place so I would not know how to answer this question
    .-= angie´s last blog ..Vanilla Ambrosia =-.

  • Most of my family know about my blog, but not many visit. For the ones that don’t it’s no secret, the topic just never came up… I don’t blog about anything that I wouldn’t say to someones face, so it’s not a big deal.
    .-= 3 Cuzins @ Cuzinlogic´s last blog ..Aloha Friday #13/Friday Follow #11 =-.

  • My family knows that I blog, but I never officially told anyone. I just added the link to my Facebook page and after a little while my mom and dad started asking me about a few things I mentioned on my blog.

    I don’t think it has to be a bad thing. As long as you’re doing what you need to do to care for your family, blogging is a fun hobby.
    .-= Cynthia Krajcarski´s last blog ..All My Dreams Fulfilled =-.

  • I just told people,lol. I never tried to hide it really & yes my family/friends do read my blog, not all the time but they do come around.
    .-= The Social Frog´s last blog ..Aloha Friday =-.

  • I told them when I set it up. My family has been following since I started it…it was a great way for them to follow my family. I announced it to the rest of the family at Christmas time when I sent out my family letter with my cards.

  • I think I would just tell them ,like it is no big deal! U don’t have to give them the address!!!:)Aloha

  • They know me already that I am into a blog and they always said to me “Have a break in tapping your keywords and take your sleep”.

    I almost forget to sleep bcoz of blogging 🙂 Anyways I enjoy it!!!
    .-= Clawid´s last blog ..Naruto Shippuuden Episode 158 =-.

  • I think you are over concerned about the effect it will have on people. It isn’t like blogging is some big need to know thing. A couple might start stopping in to visit, but most could probably give a hoot. That has been my experience at least.
    .-= Robin´s last blog ..The New Head & Shoulders Hair Endurance for Men =-.