Project New Me: Week #17 or GOOOOAAAALLLL #newme

Weight: 187 lbs (down 5 pounds)

Average Hours of Sleep: 6.3 hours

Total Workout Time: 0

Total Calories Burned: 0

Last week, upon weighing in, I was surprised to find a 2 pound gain. This time, I was very surprised to find a five pound loss. And not only did I lose five pounds, but I hit my goal. I was actually twenty pounds lighter than when I started and 3 weeks early to boot.

Does this mean my 20 week challenge is over? Not at all. I’m going to continue on for the next three weeks with the goal of staying at my goal weight. I don’t want to go off my diet, step on the scale in three weeks’ time, and see ten extra pounds packed on. So while I’ve achieved my goal and will pat myself on the back appropriately, I also am not letting up. Here’s hoping that, three weeks from now, I’ll be posting a title of “GOOOOAAAALLLL (Still met)”.