Math Rider: An NHL Video Review

When I reviewed Math Rider, I planned on getting NHL to review it as well.  After all, he’s the one who played the game.  I can say it’s great and wonderful and all but if your child doesn’t really like it or want to play it, then there’s not much point, is there?  So I sat down with NHL last night, loaded up Math Rider and let him play while doing a video review.  Here’s the result:


So there you have it.  NHL’s thoughts are “I think everybody should have this game.”  I’m pretty sure that would be a two thumbs up if his thumbs (and the rest of his fingers) weren’t typing out math answers.

Disclaimer: Math Rider provided me with a complimentary copy of the game for review in conjunction with the Family Review Network.  This video post, however, was my own idea.  All of the opinions expressed above (both in the text and video) are mine and NHL’s.