A Smee Parenting Moment at #DisneySMMoms

My kids love getting Disney characters’ autographs.  Last year, at the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration, they were so happy that they got Captain Hook’s signature.  Smee had escaped us, however.  So when we heard that the first night was going to have a Swashbuckler Soiree, we knew we had to be prepared.

Except, we weren’t.

In all of the confusion, we neglected to bring their autograph books with us.  Smee was there with his captain.  This was quite possibly the last time we’d see him this trip.  Perhaps, our only opportunity to get his autograph, but we had nothing for him to sign.

They say necessity is the mother of invention, but parenting ranks right up there too.  I couldn’t let my kids go disappointed, so I thought quickly.  I brought the kids to the table where they were serving drinks and grabbed a napkin.  Then, after Smee signed a girl’s book, I asked if we could borrow her pen.  Borrowed pen plus napkin equals two very happy kids.


Have you ever had a moment where you had to think quickly to help your kids get something they really wanted?