Birthday Present Conundrum

Tomorrow is my birthday. As the special day approaches, people start to mention the one thing I dread about birthdays. Ok, not greying hairs. Or receding hairlines. (Which I totally DON’T have despite B’s insisting that I do.) Or more and more signs appearing that I’m no longer young. (Instinctively referring to college students as "kids"… music I grew up with playing on the oldies station… etc.)
Ok, one of the many THINGS I dread about birthdays: Deciding what present(s) I want people to get me.
Every year, when I’m asked what I want, I start to think. There’s always a list of some geeky item that I’d love to own. Perhaps a sonic screwdriver. Maybe a set of Doctor Who figures. Possibly, a TeeFury shirt. On the other hand, I look at the geeky things that I’ve bought in the past and I see a pile of items that I never look at.
I begin to think that, perhaps, I don’t need the new item after all. Instead, I start to think about what practical gift I could use. When I think of practical items, I think of things I could use while helping other people. If I had a bigger external hard drive, I could back up more data from our computers. If I had a cell phone mount, I could read directions from my phone while driving the boys to activities.
I’m torn between the geeky, non-practical items and the not-as-geeky, much more practical items.
When you think about presents people could buy for you, what sort of items do you choose?