The #DisneySMMoms Report: Arrival

Note: To see all of my posts on DisneySMMoms 2012, go here.

Early in the morning on Thursday, April 26th, we packed the car and headed out.  Though it was chilly, we were wearing shorts and short sleeve shirts.  No, we didn’t misdress the kids.  We were boarding a plane and headed for Disney World to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration.

Soon, we were in the air and, once the pilot cleared our electronic devices, I took a few "way up high" shots.  (If you look closely in the second picture, you can see the plane that passed us – with plenty of room, mind you.)


After we landed, the phones came out and the tweeting began.  Excitedly, we monitored the #DisneySMMoms hash tag seeing people commenting on arriving and boarding buses.  I began to wonder if anyone from the conference would be on our bus.  Perhaps someone I had met before on Twitter was standing two groups behind us wondering the same thing.  It turned out that we did have social media company on the bus.  TheToySpy spotted JSL and me and tweeted at us a few times before the bus arrived at the Yacht Club.  We spoke briefly before heading to check in.

For those of you who don’t know, the Yacht Club is one of DIsney World’s deluxe resorts.  It’s very nice.  Wait, I don’t think I emphasized that enough.  It’s *VERY* nice!!!  There, much better.  Don’t believe me?  Here are some photos of our room, bathroom mirror and the view out of our window.  (I wonder if that nice couple by the pool knew they’d be blogged about.  Everyone say hi to Random Anonymous Couple!)


Once we were settled, we checked in to the DisneySMMoms welcome center.  NHL could hardly wait and would keep running ahead to point out the signs.


He barely stopped long enough for me to take a photo of this turtle or for us to talk to some other DisneySMMoms attendees.  Seriously, you’d think *he* was attending the conference!


After checking in, I took some stuff we were given back to the hotel room and then caught up with B, the boys, and B’s parents.  Along the way, I saw this being set up for a party later on.


Yes, the party was for us, but you’ll have to stop back another day for that one!  After all, if I covered all of this in one blog post, it would be about six thousand words long and the load time from the photos would be atrocious.

Disclaimer: We paid for our own trip to Disney World to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration. Though we were given an incredible deal from Disney, they never asked us to blog about this event. All opinions expressed above are my own.

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