WiiFit Workout Generator

As you probably know, I’ve been working out using the WiiFit.  As the weeks progressed, I realized two things:

1. I was avoiding some workouts that I didn’t like simply because they challenged me more.

2. I was spending *WAY* too much time between workouts trying to decide what to do next (thus letting my heartrate drop).

I decided I needed some sort of system to randomly select the workouts for me so I could just follow a predetermined list.  Since nothing seemed readily available, I did what any webdeveloper would do: I built it.  It’s gone through a few iterations but I think it’s ready to finally be unleased on the world.  So go ahead, make your own workouts, and get (Wii)fit!

The WiiFit Workout Generator

If you have any comments or suggestions for new features, let me know about them.  I always consider my web applications perpetual works in progress.  There’s always room to improve!

Oh, and thanks go out to the wonderful jQuery and jQuery UI team for their great work on the jQuery and jQuery UI libraries.  I couldn’t have built this site without them.  (Ok, I could have, but it wouldn’t have looked as cool!)

WiiFit Workout Week 7

Beginning Weight: 205 (+1 pound)

Monday January 12th – Week 7, Day 1
WiiFit Age 37

Single-Arm Stand (6 reps)
Palm Tree
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Push-up and Side Plank (6 reps)
Downward-Facing Dog
Single-Leg Twist (20 reps)
Sideways Leg Lift (20 reps)
Sun Salutation
Lunge (20 reps)
Jackknife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Free Step (10 minutes)

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes

Wedesday January 14th – Week 7, Day 2
WiiFit Age 34

Basic Run (Island Lap)
Single-Arm Stand (6 reps)
Lunge (20 reps)
Free Step (10 minutes)
Arm and Leg Lift (20 reps)
Jackknife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Super Hula Hoop (3 minutes)

Total Workout Time: 47 minutes

Thursday January 15th – Week 7, Day 3
WiiFit Age 32

Rhythm Boxing (Beginner, 3 minutes)
Basic Step
Single-Leg Twist (20 reps)
Basic Run (Island Lap)
Sideways Leg Lift (20 reps)
Sun Salutation
Advanced Step
Standing Knee
Single Leg Extension (20 reps)
Arm and Leg Lift (20 reps)
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Palm Tree

Total Workout Time: 46 minutes

Comments: This week marked my first time using my (soon to be released) WiiFit Workout Generator. I got tired of sitting around between exercises trying to figure out which one to do next, so I worked up something that would make a random workout for me to follow. It wound up including some exercises that I wrote off as ineffective. For example, I did a 10 minute Free Step on Monday while watching Batman: The Brave and the Bold. I never would have considered Free Step and almost didn’t include it as an option for the Generator to use, but I’m glad I did. I hope to release the Generator this week.

WiiFit Workout Week 6

Beginning Weight:  204 (-5 pounds)

Monday January 5th – Week 6, Day 1
WiiFit Age 24

Single-Arm Stand (6 reps)
Arm and Leg Lift (20 reps)
JackKnife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Single-Leg Twist (20 reps)
Lunge (20 reps)
Sun Salutation
Sideways Leg Lift (10 reps)
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Palm Tree
Rowing Squat (30 reps)
Torso Twists (6 reps)
Downward-Facing Dog
Single-Leg Extension (6 reps)

Total Workout Time: 47 minutes

Thursday January 8th – Week 6, Day 2
WiiFit Age 39

Standing Knee
Single-Leg Extension (20 reps)
Lunge (20 reps)
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Palm Tree
Rowing Squat (15 reps)
Jackknife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Downward-Facing Dog
Push-up and Side Plank (10 reps)
Plank (30 seconds)
Advanced Step
Hula Hoop
Ski Jump

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes

Saturday January 10th – Week 6, Day 3

WiiFit Age 33

Torso Twist (6 reps)
Plank (30 seconds)
Single-Leg Twist (20 reps)
Sideways Leg Lift (20 reps)
Sun Salutation
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Palm Tree
Lunge (20 reps)s
Jackknife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Single-Leg Extension (20 reps)
Standing Knee
Advanced Step [320 perfects, only 16 oks)

Total Workout Time: 47 minutes

Comments:  I came pretty close to perfection on the Advanced Step workout this week.  There are a total of 336 moves to perform.  If you do each move at the exact right time, you get a "Perfect" score.  Doing the move too early or too late earns you an "Ok."  Not doing the move at all earns you a "Missed."  On Thursday, I had 324 Perfects and only 12 Oks.  Saturday proved that this wasn’t a one time fluke.  Although I didn’t quite match my previous score, I did hit 320 Perfects and 16 Oks.  I’m also working on a way to randomly choose what workouts I do.  This way I don’t fall in the rut of doing the same workouts over and over.

WiiFit Workout Week 5

Beginning Weight:  209 (+3 pounds)

Monday December 29th – Week 5, Day 1
WiiFit Age 32

Rowing Squat (30 reps)
Single-Leg Twist (20 reps)
Standing Knee
Single-Leg Extension (20 reps)
Jackknife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Plank (60 seconds)
Lunge (20 reps)
Advanced Step
Super Hula Hoop (6 minutes)

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes

Tuesday December 30th – Week 5, Day 2
WiiFit Age 32

Single-Arm Stand (10 reps)
Sideways Leg Lift (10 reps)
Sun Salutation
Lunge (20 reps)
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Palm Tree
Jacknife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Deep Breathing
Advanced Step
Basic Run (Island Lap)
Ski Slalom

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes

Thursday January 1st – Week 5, Day 3
WiiFit Age 32

Torso Twists (6 reps)
Arm and Leg Lift (20 reps)
Plank (90 seconds)
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Palm Tree
Jackknife (30 reps)
Spinal Twist
Free Run (10 minutes)
Advanced Step
Soccer Heading

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes

Weekly thoughts: I attribute my weight gain to the holiday season.  Needless to say, I’m going to watch my weight more this week to make sure those pounds don’t take up permanent residence.  Oh, and about that 90 second Plank (on Thursday), I was feeling quite suicidal when I did that.  After 60 seconds, I was ready to drop, but didn’t.  With 15 seconds to go, my body was ready to give out.  It was only sheer willpower keeping me from falling.  I got a Couch Potato rating on that exercise, but I don’t mind.  I’m just proud that I lasted through it.  Now that I did it, however, I won’t be trying it again for quite some time.

WiiFit Workout Week 4

Beginning Weight:  206 (-1.5 pounds)

Monday December 22nd – Week 4 Day 1

Shoveling (45 min)

Wednesday December 24th – Week 4, Day 2
WiiFit Age 31

Lunge (20 reps)
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Palm Tree
Dance Pose
Standing Knee
Single Leg Extension (20 reps)
Advanced Step
Advanced Hula Hoop (10 min) [3323 spins.. Can’t spin hips anymore!!!)
Deep Breathing
Soccer Heading
Ski Jump

Total Workout Time: 38 minutes

Saturday December 24th – Week 4, Day 3
WiiFit Age 30

Spinal Twist
Torso Twist (6 reps)
JackKnife (10 reps)
Lunge (20 reps)
Tricep Extension (20 reps)
Single-Leg Twist (20 reps)
Standing Knee
Single-Leg Extension (20 reps)
Advanced Step
Advanced Hula Hoop (6 minutes)

Total Workout Time: 45 minutes

Weekly thoughts:  Last weekend, we had quite a big snowfall.  While I did as much shoveling as I could on Sunday, there was still more to do on Monday.  So I spent 45 minutes shoveling us out.  I decided to count this as a workout more formally than I did last week.  On Wednesday, I attempted the 10 minute Advanced Hula Hoop workout.  3,323 spins later, I could hardly stand.  I think I’ll be sticking to the 6 minute version for awhile.  I’ve also come to the realization that I’ve got to set a firmer time to workout.  Too many nights, I wait until 11:15pm and then reluctantly pull the balance board out.  I get into the workout quickly, but I need to schedule it to get me over the "do I really want to lug the balance board out/maybe I’ll just check one more thing/it’s so late now" hump.

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