Aloha Friday: Camera Lifespan

Last night, I went to check on NHL and JSL. They were sleeping just fine, except for the fact that they seemed to need some remedial lessons on the usage of pillows. NHL had the pillow over his face. JSL was using it for a leg rest, having turned nearly 180 degrees. Naturally, I went to take a photo of them before fixing their sleeping positions.
See JSL in this photo? Neither do I and no, I didn’t leave the lens cap on. The camera was on, lens cap removed and flash all set to go off. But the flash didn’t go off. I was left with an all black photo. I turned the camera off and on but that only seemed to make it work once before dying again. I finally managed to snag these shots.
Thinking that perhaps the battery was low (even though the indicator said it was fully charged), I charged it overnight. Trying it Thursday morning, though, showed that this wasn’t the problem. I spent most of the day thinking that my trusty camera was dying. I’ve been lusting after a DSLR for awhile now, but I never could justify spending the funds.
With my camera dying and B’s camera acting all funky (the battery indicator will say it needs new batteries when she’s just put a fresh set in), I’ve been thinking about camera lifespan.
My Aloha Friday question for today is: How long has your current digital camera lasted you? How long have your previous digital cameras lasted? Did they die on you or were they just replaced with a new model?
Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the McLinky there if you are participating.
Aloha #64
I have had mine for almost 2 years. I love it and will definately buy another Canon. My older digital was ancient and just recently broke when the kids dropped it…:)
Tammy recently posted..Thursdays FRIENDS Cafe
Our first digital camera, we still have, but, its outdated so we decided to get a new one. Which only lasted about a year before it got broken… We now have a new one, we will see how long it lasts…
Mrs. Marine recently posted..Aloha Friday – Are You HTML-CSS Savvy
I have a Kodak point and shoot that’s about 3 years old. I also have a Canon EOS that’s about 1 year old. Both are working fine so far.
Summer recently posted..Enquiring Minds Want To Know
I have had mine for 6 months. Oher cameras have lasted long, but we usually replaced them with a new model.
MadeInCanarias recently posted..Aloha Friday 44
I’ve had my current Kodak Easyshare camera for about 3 years now – it’s served me well. But I’d been jonesin’ for a DSLR for a while, and after saving (for what seems like forever) finally got the Nikon D5000 about a month ago – I still use both! My prior digital was a Fuji, and I had to replace it with the Kodak when I accidentally dropped it and broke the lens off. Ooops! 🙂
Stacy (the Random Cool Chick) recently posted..Black Friday Shopping – Aloha Friday Follow Fun
Oh, and I forgot to say – isn’t it amazing how kids can sleep in any position and any situation? Oh to be able to sleep like that! 🙂
Stacy (the Random Cool Chick) recently posted..Black Friday Shopping – Aloha Friday Follow Fun
I’ve never had one wear out on me.
Our cameras always die long before they should but it’s usually because I drop them. 🙁
Simply Cathi recently posted..Aloha Friday – Pain…
Our first digital camera we had for 5 years, we now have a fancy new DSLR camera.
Denise recently posted..Meme Friday 10
We’ve had 3 now. One had a horrible battery life and then died on us; another one worked fine but it was too bulky for me. I finally have a small Kodak EasyShare that I like.
This is our first digital camera. I think we got it 2008 and it’s still going. I hope it goes for long years.
JamericanSpice recently posted..Tv Shows And Food Fight – Aloha Friday – Friday Follow
I got a Canon Rebel one of the first ones when they came out so I would say its about 7-8 years old maybe and that one still works fine. I also have a Canon 40D and that one is maybe about 5 years old and it still works great. And I just updated to a Canon 7D. None of them have died on me I have just replaced them with new modles. I would say if you spend your money and buy an SLR camera it will last you until you would like to upgrade to a diffrent one.
I’ve had my little Sony for a few years and my Rebel for about 4. I love the Sony because it’s small and easy to use. The Rebel is large to haul around, not as download-friendly and holy cow- try to get a replacement battery for that thing!
Have a great day!
Well, I have had Digital cameras since the end of the nineties. I think I have just replaced them. I also would like a digital SLR camera. since I worked with Eastman Kodak in the 70’s I have enjoyed taking photos. I had a SLR camera for years. Then I changed over to the Digital and love the fact I could see the photo at the photo site. I think that will be on my Holiday Gift List to my Hubby for this year. I just need to narrow down the make.
Auntie E recently posted..Fridays Question- History and a Question
Well I have had Digital cameras since the end of the nineties. I think I have just replaced them. I also would like a digital SLR camera. since I worked with Eastman Kodak in the 70’s I have enjoyed taking photos. I had a SLR camera for years. Then I changed over to the Digital and love the fact I could see the photo at the photo site. I think that will be on my Holiday Gift List to my Hubby for this year. I just need to narrow down the make.
Auntie E recently posted..Fridays Question- History and a Question
I’ve had my Nikon Coolpix for 5 years and it’s still going strong.
gosh, I’ve had the same old clunker (but it works great) for years. I’d love something newer and smaller but I’m too cheap.
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