Ambassador After Dark

The following post might contain certain elements that aren’t completely safe for work.  No, there’s no nudity or anything, but it does mention adult-level activities and products.  I wouldn’t want to get my readers in trouble for reading about intimate subjects on the job.  So if you are checking this out from the office, please don’t click the “read more” link below.  Wait until you get home and *then* click read more!  To those of you who are at home, click read more right… about… now!

Earlier this year, I first learned about Eden Fantasys.  I found out that they are an online shop that sold adult toys.  I considered doing a review from them for a bit, but was concerned.  After all, I consider this a family friendly blog.  I also have some lines that I don’t feel comfortable crossing.  How could I review a sex toy on here without a) getting explicit or b) divulging information about my sex life that I’d prefer to keep private?

After perusing their selection, I realized that their inventory contains, not just vibrators and the like, but other items of a tamer sort.  And so my Good Clean Love Gift Set massage oil review was born.  Later, at BlogHer 2010, I was able to meet Jenn from Eden Fantasys, attend their BlogHer session and go to their “decorating” party.

Over the months, I’ve found out that Eden Fantasys isn’t just a simple “sex toy shop.”  It’s a whole community dedicated to allowing people to discuss and learn information about those most intimate of moments.  As many parents can attest, having children (and all the complications it introduces) can negatively impact the quality and quantity of intimate encounters.

Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store

And now, I’ve become a member of the Eden Fantasys Ambassador Program.  While their review program allows bloggers to receive free products to review, one can run up into a limit if one doesn’t want to regularly discuss vibrators and the like.  The Ambassador program is designed to bypass this limitation.  Once you sign up, you can receive up to one free product per month (within reason, of course).  You then are under no obligation to review said product.  Instead, you can write about Eden Fantasys in more general, family-blog-friendly terms.  This is only my first Ambassador program post and I can’t wait to do another next month.

If you would like to sign up, simply e-mail Jenn (yes, that’s the same Jenn I met at BlogHer).  Be sure to let her know that I referred you.

Disclaimer: This post was written as part of the Eden Fantasys Ambassador program.  I received the Fairy Wand Massager in exchange for posting about their site.  The opinions expressed above are my own, however.