Big Photographical Step

Last night, I took a big photographical step.  For years, I’ve been interested in photography.  I had purchased a Panasonic digital camera that, while a Point & Shoot, could also be used in Manual mode similar to a DSLR.  I’ll admit that I relied on Automatic too much, but I had fun playing around with macro photography, different filters and other features.

Then, I went to BlogHer and got to try out someone’s DSLR.  We all know how that went.  I just had to have a DSLR, but money’s too tight to simply ditch my perfectly working Point & Shoot camera, right?  Well, about a week ago, I went to take some photos of the kids sleeping and noticed that the flash wasn’t firing.  Yes, my camera’s flash had up and died. The camera still took nice photos provided the lighting was good, but that just doesn’t cut it.  I take too many indoor, low light scenes to rely on a non-flash enabled camera.

So I looked around, asked some knowledgeable people I know, wavered back and forth, and finally took the plunge.  The Pentax K-x that I ordered from should arrive here within a week’s time.  Until then, I’m going to be refreshing my e-mail repeatedly looking for the "It’s Shipped, here’s the tracking number" e-mail.  After that, I’ll be refreshing the tracking website to see how close I am to being able to take photos with my new DSLR.

And what of my flash-dead Point and Shoot?  Don’t worry.  It’s not going to be simply tossed in the trash.  I have – oh god – a plan.  (Sorry.  Just had an 80’s "Perfect Strangers" flashback.)  I’m going to give that camera to NHL to use.  No, he won’t be able to use it whereever and whenever he wants, but I will allow him to use it to come with me on photographic journeys.  I’ll use it with him to teach him about cameras, how they work and how to take photos with them.  He is seven years old now and I think this is the perfect age for me to teach him about my obsession hobby.

One comment

  • Awesome! I think you’re going to love your new camera with the ability to do manual. Probably after a while, you’ll be looking for something with interchangable lenses. You can pick up an old 30D and 50mm lens on Craigslist for pretty cheap. You’d be rockin and rollin then =)
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