Twenty Pounds In Twenty Weeks Take Two

Last year, I tried to lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks.  I succeeded, but the remaining 32 weeks in the year allowed those pounds to sneak back on me.  I resolved that I would lose 25 pounds and intended to start my weight loss plan on January 2nd.  However, a bout with strep throat set my plans back by a week.

Starting Weight 205
Current Weight 205
Goal Weight 185
Lost 0
Left Until Goal 20

Therefore, this week officially kicks off my 20 Pounds in 20 Weeks in 2011.  This time, I’ll be doing things slightly different.  B has signed up for Weight Watchers Online and will be following their new Pro Points plan.  I’ve based my previous weight loss attempted on their old plan (Calories/Fat/Fiber) and it worked pretty much every time.  (The first time, I lost about 80 pounds!)  However, to simplify matters and better support B, I’m basing my new plan on Weight Watcher’s Pro Points plan.

As you can see from the table on the side, I’m beginning my weight loss journey at 205 pounds and intend to reach 185 by the time this is up.  This works out to 1 pound lost per week on average.

As with last year, I’ll have two “off” weeks.  The first will be when we go to Disney World.  After all, I’m not going to go to Disney and watch what I eat!  Besides, with all the walking you do in Disney World, I might not even gain that much weight.  The second week will be Passover.  It is hard enough figuring out what to eat during this holiday (when bread and pretty much any bread product is forbidden).  I don’t need to toss in the additional complication of a weight loss plan.  Of course, we tend to eat more fruits and vegetables during Passover anyway, so this might work in our favor.

Here’s to hoping that I’ll be blogging 20 pounds lighter in mid-May!