20 Pounds In 20 Weeks: Week 5: Snack Time Sweets

This week was another surprise.  Given the big drop last weigh-in, I was expecting a one pound drop.  I wound up with two pounds gone.  With four weeks to go before we leave, hitting 190 before the Magic Kingdom seems quite doable.

Starting Weight 205
Current Weight 193.5
Goal Weight 185
Lost 11.5
Left Until Goal 8.5

One thing that is always tricky when we start watching our weight again is snack time.  When one isn’t watching one’s weight, it is easy to listen to the beckoning of cookies and cakes.  You can fall into the pattern of filling your stomach with sweets.  When you begin watching your waistline, your natural inclination is to eliminate the sweets.  Of course, once you do this, you begin craving them more than ever.

While you might think you should resist these urges at all costs, that would be a mistake.  I’m not saying you should indulge in a nightly hot fudge sundae with every topping possible.  Instead, take a path of moderation.  If you’re craving ice cream, get some fat free ice cream or frozen yogurt.  You could even add a little chocolate sauce and whipped cream for an extra indulgence.

Of course, since “a little” can quickly morph into “that looks like a little but it really is five servings”, a kitchen scale and a good set of measuring cups are invaluable.  Since we’ve been watching what we eat, we’ve found some good snacks.  Besides fruit, we’ve been snacking on Reece’s Puffs cereal (1/2 cup = 2 points) or sliced strawberries with chocolate sauce and whipped cream (also 2 points).  These snacks provide a good taste of chocolate, peanut butter and/or other sweetness without a ton of calories and fat.

What not-bad-for-you snacks do you partake in to get rid of a craving for sweets?