20 Pounds In 20 Weeks: Week 15: Post Passover Weigh-In

Starting Weight 205
Current Weight 194
Goal Weight 185
Lost 11
Left Until Goal 9

Now that Passover has ended, it is time to get serious about my weight loss again.  After all, I expected some weight gain but I weighed in at 194 pounds yesterday. 194! The last time I weighed in there was way back in week 6 (February 20th weigh-in).  It stings to realize that my work from the past weeks were undone by a couple of carb-loaded matzo days, but I’m not letting my resolve weaken.  I have 5 more weigh-ins until my challenge is over and 9 more pounds to lose.  It may be tough, but it won’t be impossible.  I can do this!