Happy Birthday To B!

Today is the birthday of the most beautiful woman on the planet. Of course, I’m talking about B. She’s not only beautiful, but intelligent, caring, and willing to stand up for what she believes in. She’s taken up the fight to help our boys reach their potential. She doesn’t back down when things go wrong. If anything, it drives her to fight harder until she gets what she wants.
She can also be a very patient person. She has to be when dealing with me. I try my best, but I have my share of flaws. More than my fair share, likely. Between me, NHL’s pre-teen attitude forming, and JSL, B deals with quite a lot. However, I don’t know how I could do all that I do without her support. I love her with all of my heart.
Happy birthday to a great friend, amazing mother, and wonderful wife. I love you, B!
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