Aloha Friday: Parking Lot Encounter

On Tuesday, after work, I stopped by the local grocery store. I needed a few items and was in a hurry to get in and get out. As I walked to the store, a man approached me. He apologized for bothering me and explained that he was laid off and has two kids. He asked if I had a dollar or two I could spare.
Almost instinctively, I felt the urge to ignore him and walk on. Perhaps mumble something about not having any money on me as I quickened my pace. Then, for a split second, I thought to myself: What if I was in his position? What if I was laid off and my family rendered homeless? What if my best bet to put food on the table for my children was to ask for money from strangers?
I told him I didn’t think I had much cash, but fished a couple of dollars out of my wallet to give him. I wished him luck and we went our separate ways. As I did so, I felt a wave of sadness that I couldn’t do more to help him.
Sure, the guy could have been lying to me. He could have taken my cash and gone directly to a nearby liquor store instead of buying food for his kids. Maybe he doesn’t even have any children. I’m a big believer of taking a person at their word, though. A bit naïve? Perhaps, but I’d rather assume the best about someone and be proven wrong than assume the worst of people from the outset.
I hope that, that night, his family was able to eat, in part, thanks to the money I gave him. I also hope that his luck turns around and he is able to find work soon.
My Aloha Friday question for today is: Have you ever had someone down on their luck ask you for money? If so, what did you do? If not, what would you do?
Don’t forget to enter my $25 EdenFantasys giveaway!
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Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the linky there if you are participating.
Aloha #123
Disclaimer: The “Money – banknotes and coin” clipart above is from
If you stopped me and asked for money, I won’t give you any.
Not because I’m cruel but because I simply don’t have any. I might have a few quarters somewhere in my van but the only cash I carry in my wallet is my $20 emergency cash.
Angi recently posted..Way Back Wednesday – More Shirley Temple Part 2
Yes, I have many times. It all depends on where I am and what I am doing. One time I was going to get lunch at Subway, so I bought a homeless man a whole lunch. Other times I give cash. I always hope they are in need and that they do with it what they say but of course it’s hard to always control that, so you just have to feel that you helped someone and move along.
Im At Home Baking recently posted..Aloha Friday
I just had someone hit me up for food last night as I was leaving Target with my groceries. I told him I was sorry, but I busted the bank feeding my own children… I felt bad for him, but he pointed out his gold Caddy and his wife sitting in it, so… I don’t know. I have helped out in the past, gladly. Sometimes you just have to get a read on people, I think.
Smellyann recently posted..Friday Fragments
Someone did approach me in a parking lot and asked for money to pay for their medicine. I did not have any cash on me so I told them I was sorry I couldn’t help. I felt a little suspicious about the situation but if I would’ve had a couple dollar bills, I probably would’ve given it to them.
Kari recently posted..Aloha Friday – This Just In
Many times in my life this has happened and I’ve always given what I could. I am like you in that I would rather take them at their word.
I rarely have cash so I usually can’t give any even if I wanted to — but there have been times when I have given money out because I hoped it would do some good. I tend to want to think the best of people also 🙂 Visiting from Aloha Friday.
Marie recently posted..$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
yes there used to be a real problem of this in town will work for food so many of us at church made up baggies that contained snack items that would feed someone and gave them one come see my question at
angie recently posted..Aloha Friday: Are You Thirsty